Mountain Bike Tires

A Quick and Easy Guide to Mountain Bike Tires for a Stellar Riding Experience

Mountain biking is a fun and thrilling activity. Unlike a road cycle, a mountain bike involves riding in treacherous terrains. The adrenaline rush associated with trailing in muddy trails is a unique experience. Similarly, safety is paramount.

Regarding safety, tires are one of the essential components of your cycle. They are the first contact point between your mountain bike and the ground. Remember, the brakes stop the wheels, not your cycle!

Therefore it becomes imperative to have a good knowledge of tires to maintain them in pristine condition. Whether maintaining the current pair of tires or buying a new one, thorough know-how aids your safety.

With several factors influencing the tires, understanding the mountain bike tire sizes appears slightly complex initially. The vast choice of tires available online and the confusing jargon combined with it can be a complete headache. It is possible to replace the tires with a similar size, but if you want to upsize the tire or use a different pattern, the following guide will be helpful.

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Sizes & Fit

The size is the first parameter when buying your mountain gear bike tires. The size of the wheel selects the tire size that the tire fits, and they have to be the same.

Large-wheeled mountain bikes have either mtb cycle tyres, usually called 27.5″ or 29″, or road bike size, aka 700C. As the name suggests, 27.5″ tires measure about 27.5″ across. However, 700C measures 700 of nothing, although used in an archaic French tire naming system.

To add to the confusion, mountain bikes have lately begun to use wheels the same size as road bike tire size, 700C, albeit with much fatter tires. These are called 29-inch  because that’s roughly the size of the resulting tire.

The size is marked on the side of the tire to help you figure it out. The width is marked on the side of the tire to help you figure it out, and fatter tires aid in more grip and comfort.

Grip & Tread Patterns

Rubber interacts at a microscopic level with the road to ensure tire grip on smooth surfaces, like tarmac. Unlike car tires, mountain cycle tires don’t require patterned tread because a bike never goes quick enough to create a layer of water under the tire and skid. The best tyres for road use have no pattern on the tread and, therefore, only a very light pattern.

Off-roading requires the tire to dig in and grip loose, wet surfaces mechanically. Different tread patterns work in different situations. Therefore, the tire selection process is more complex than road tires because of the technicalities involved.


A tire’s rubber and casing absorb your effort as they bend and unbend where they meet and leave the road, requiring energy to propel. The thinner the rubber and the casing are, the more effortless the tires are to ride. Higher pressure and wider tire aids in easier rolling. There is no apparent reason, but this has been experimentally demonstrated over and again.

The tire patch in contact with the road is more rounded if the tire is wide rather than long and thin. Due to its shorter circumference, that tire shape has the same area but less bends and straightens as it rolls.

The disadvantage of thin casings and rubber is that they wear fast and are prone to puncture, whereas overinflating tires results in a harsh ride.

Air Pressure

The proper mountain bike tires pressure depends on the type of tire and the mountain bike rider’s weight. A narrow tire requires more pressure as compared to a wider one. A typical mountain gear cycle tubeless tire pressure is 25-35 psi, lesser than the mountain bike off-road tire pressure.

An appropriate reading of downhill bike tire pressure aids you in commuting quicker while keeping you fit. Cycling is one of the best exercises for keeping your body in shape, as it engages all your muscles. To stay fit and fine and work towards losing weight, ensure your mountain bike tire pressure gauge is maintained at ideal levels.

In the end, the following guide helps you make an informed decision while buying the next pair of shoes for your mountain bike. Apart from the tires, a high-quality mountain cycle with a sturdy frame helps to keep you safe. Cambio bikes are one of the best mountain bikes in India. Moreover, Mountain bike price in India of Cambio bikes is affordable while delivering performance, reliability, and durability to ensure a superb riding experience on the mountains.


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