Bike Crank Removal Tips

Helpful Ways to Remove Your Bike Crank Without Actually Using a Puller?

Active participation in physical activities is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The bike is hated by most people, who choose an easier and more enjoyable type of exercise. Cycling is a popular form of exercise because it is fun, doesnโ€™t hurt your knees, and helps you lose weight.

It is estimated that most people are either not professional cyclists or are only somewhat involved in the sport. Consequently, we donโ€™t have all the tools essential to perform proper bicycle maintenance. This post is for you if you are a repair person who likes to take care of things themselves.

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What Is a Crank Puller?

In order to remove a bicycle or motorcycleโ€™s crank, youโ€™ll need to use a crank puller. There are several bolts and nuts in it.

Even for general repairs, you can use the crank puller device. Furthermore, it can be used for variousย general repairs and maintenance tasks.

Generally speaking, the crank puller tool is composed of aluminium, which is more stable and lighter than steel. To be able to operate the gadget, you must be quite knowledgeable.

The Essential Tools Required for Removing a Bike Crank

Even if you donโ€™t have any pullers, you can use various materials to remove bicycle cranks from their housings on your cambio cycle.

  1. A pair of old rags

If you donโ€™t have any old rags, you can use a soft towel or tissue that has been wet and dried.

  1. Allen Keys and Screwdrivers

If you donโ€™t already have an Allen Wrench Set, you will be required to open a variety of equipment with ease.

  1. The Spindle Driverโ€™s crankshaft bolts and nuts

Various nuts of varying sizes will be required for this project, including small and large walnuts and almonds.

  1. Stand for Bikes

Even while utilising a bike stand is optional. However, I recommend doing so because it keeps your bike straight throughout the procedure, allowing you to get a better angle.

Best ways to remove a bicycle crank without a puller

It is critical first to determine what type of crankset you are dealing with before proceeding. If you have only basic mechanical knowledge, removing the crank from your bike is a simple task.

The use of this method is only recommended in an emergency circumstance where you are unable to contact an expert or a professional for help. Now, without any more hesitation, letโ€™s start the process right away.

The tools and materials necessary for this process have previously been described.

Step 1: Keep your hands safe

This should always be your first and most important priority when working with mechanical parts. Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands since they can provide the best possible protection.

Leaving your hands naked can put you at risk of injury, not only from the crank but also from other machine elements. The experts recommend it. As a result, before beginning any labour, be certain that your hands are protected.

Step 2: Bolts on the crankshaft should be removed

This procedure requires the use of a universal wrench. To loosen the nuts and bolts, turn them all in the opposite direction as the clock. Then, remove the crankset and extend your stick to your bikeโ€™s crank once you have verified that the nuts are loose.

Keep in mind that you should not rush through any of these procedures. โ€œHaste makes waste,โ€ as the saying goes.

Once this is completed, carefully remove the washers.

All washers should be removed with a spanner tool, and then stored away.

Most of the time, theyโ€™re placed beneath the nuts.

Step 3: Insert the Pullerโ€™s Spindle Driver into the Crank Arms

Attach the spindle driver of the puller to the bike arms with your bear arms.

Then, counterclockwise, twist the spindle. Working carefully and methodically until the final product is solid and stable requires patience throughout this stage.

For maximum safety, you must then undertake a complete stiffness study. A single unstable rider can cause a bike collision.

Step 4: Take a look at the crank and turn the coupler.

To locate and remove cranks, youโ€™ll need the right tools. The bolts and nuts that hold your bike together come in different sizes. Avoiding damage to yourย best bike in indiaย means being aware of its dimensions and using the appropriate tools.

Remove the attached coupler if youโ€™ve already found your suitable crank. This level just necessitates the use of a screwdriver, hex tool, or spanner as tools.

Step 5: Examine Your Bike to the End

Maintaining a habit of double-checking is a good idea. Finally, I recommend that you put your bike through its trials by doing a few tests and inspections. First, ensure that all components, particularly the crank, have been successfully removed.

When something goes wrong, itโ€™s important to conduct a thorough investigation to find the root cause and identify the impacted sections. You can get to the bottom of the problem this way.


As you can see, following the procedures described above makes removing the bike crank without the use of a puller quite a simple process. These processes are rather straightforward and can be completed by anyone using a few basic instruments.

Consider the following situation: you are having difficulty removing a crank. If you need help, you may always hire an expert.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What muscles does bike riding use?

The brief answer is plenty of muscle is used in addition to using your leg muscles to power the pedals. Your back muscles are also critical in maintaining your position on theย Cambio bikeย for the majority of the ride. You use your arms as a supporting member of the cast. However, your legs will do the bulk of the effort. To free up your legs to focus on their work, only the other muscles in your body need to be properly trained and strong. Make no mistake: sufficient fitness and power for the core and arms require more than riding.

2. How long does it take to see results from cycling?

One month of regular cycling has been completed.

Strength and fitness will begin to improve after a few weeks. Cycling at a faster speed and with less pain is now possible.

ย 3. What happens if you ride a bike every day?

Regular cycling can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease since it improves your heart, kidneys, and circulatory system. When you cycle, your heart muscles get stronger, your resting heart rate falls, and the fat in your blood is reduced.

4. Is the length of a bicycleโ€™s crank important?

Yes, it is significant. It is believed that longer cranks are preferable because they increase pedaling pressure, allowing you to create more power.

ย 5. What is the best way to remove the crank from my bike puller?

Take a look at the steps listed above. They are the same ones that must be followed when removing a Cambio bike crank. However, using a crank puller tool can make this operation more manageable for you.

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